Jack Vinson Family
Zoom Meeting
I apologize for the ZOOM scheduling screw ups on the website over the Holiday season; my attempts were honorable but not fully planed out. I hope to do better in the following months. My plans for Black History month are to expand on each induvial Descendants data in the website.
Zoom Meeeting Feb 2 3:00 PM EST 2PM (CST)
Meeting ID: 876 7715 6501
Passcode: 400722
or copy link into Zoom
See more details in the Facebook Post.
Click on link above to view video of Zoom Meeting
This site is dedicated to our forefathers that survived the transatlantic slave trade, slavery, the Civil war, Reconstrution, Jim Crow South, Civil Rights march, and gave birth to us to see the start of a new day and a new chapter in our history. This is the day that our forefathers fought and died over. Now its up to us to prove that their fight was not in vain.
Jack & Fannie Vinson Descendants T-Shirt Photo Montage